Research Databases

List of research database titles, descriptions and links
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MAS Ultra - School Edition
MAS Ultra - School Edition

Designed specifically for high school libraries, this database provides full text for more than 700 popular general interest and current events publications with information dating as far back as 1975 for key magazines. MAS Ultra School Edition also provides more than 500 full text pamphlets, more than 350 full text reference books, 84,011 biographies, 83,472 primary source documents, and an Image Collection of 192,999 photos, maps and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCOhost.

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oxford reference front page
Oxford Reference Online

Oxford Reference Online brings together 100 language and subject dictionaries and reference works - containing well over 60,000 pages - into a single cross-searchable resource. 

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screenshot of first page of encyclopedia
Oxford Research Encyclopedias

With today’s overabundance of information, and misinformation, students and researchers alike can be overwhelmed in identifying what’s trustworthy, what’s up-to-date, and what’s accurate. Oxford University Press has invested in the Oxford Research Encyclopedias to meet this challenge. Working with international communities of scholars across all fields of study, we are developing new comprehensive collections of in-depth, peer-reviewed summaries on an ever-growing range of topics.

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worldbook advanced
World Book Advanced

Designed for high school and college students, World Book Advanced is a powerful reference tool that includes encyclopedic, multimedia, e-book, and primary source databases, fully integrated in a single search. It also contains individual accounts that allow users to create and save their work and timeline and citation builders.

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world book kids front page with Abraham Lincoln
World Book Kids

Intended for grades K-8, World Book Kids is a fun and interactive way to introduce younger students to the world of online learning. Searching is simple and can be done by keyword or by choosing a general subject that breaks down into specific topics. The encyclopedia also provides images, diagrams, maps and activities tied to national curriculum standards. 

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world book reference with product tiles
World Book Reference Center

World Book Encyclopedia articles form the foundation of this expansive reference database that includes the World Book Dictionary, the World Book Atlas, an extensive multimedia collection, thousands of editor-selected Web sites, correlations to state and provincial curriculum standards, and much more. 

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